Sleep Health

Services Provided for Sleep Apnea
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? If you’re not a happy camper this morning, then chances are that you did not get enough sleep last night. Many people suffer from sleep disorders, and the biggest one of them all is a medical condition where the airway collapses during sleep. This causes one’s breathing to stop several episodes each and every night. Many people are not aware of these episodes, however, are aware that they are not getting the amount of sleep they need. If you are not getting a good nights’ sleep there is help for you at Sun Valley Smile Designs . Dr. Calvert at is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and can help you regain that full night’s sleep to invigorate your day and a full life.
We offer a COMPLIMENTARY Sleep Airway Computer Analysis to help you find the right solution.
Call our office to set up your Complimentary Computer Sleep Analysis at 208-471-8770.
Individuals Suffering from Decreased Sleep Airway Experience the Following Symptoms:
- Excessive daytime sleepiness or fatigue
- Loud snoring and breathing cessation (usually observed by loved ones)
- Awakens suddenly with a shortness or breath
- Drowsiness during daytime
- Sleepiness and lack of energy while working or driving
- Restlessness and forgetfulness
- Medical issues such as, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Depression
There is help for you and your Sun Valley Dentist, Dr. John Calvert can provide you with the proper solution to give you back a rested night’s sleep and possibly save your life.
Sleep disorders, especially Sleep Apnea affects both children and adults. Males are more at risk of sleep apnea, but it’s also commonly seen in the elderly, those who are overweight, people with large necks and large tonsils and those with a family history of sleep apnea.
This condition should not be ignored. When left untreated, it may result in serious conditions like high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, diabetes, oxygen deprivation during sleep, depression and even death.
Lack of sleep affects the quality of your life. Your work is affected and you might find yourself blinking more frequently while driving. You tend to be moody and restless during daytime.
Sleep Disorders can be treated very effectively so you may enjoy each day better than ever before and have a much better way of life.
Dr. Calvert has advanced expertise in helping you diagnose and treat Sleep Disorders including Sleep Apnea that are approved by the ADA and AMA.
Did you know that a recommended form of treatment for Sleep Apnea is with an oral appliance that only a dentist with this advanced training can provide you? A CPAP may be recommended in some cases.
If you are CPAP intolerant or prefer a much more comfortable and simpler solution, your Ketchum Dentist, John Calvert, can help you with your sleep disorder. Feel free to call 208-471-8770 and discuss your sleeping problems with Dr. Calvert today.
Office Hours
Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday – Sunday: Closed
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Did You Know...
that you can reduce your chances of snoring or developing apnea by changing a few simple habits? According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, one of the most effective ways of alleviating apnea and snoring is by losing weight. The AAOMA suggests that just 10 pounds can be enough weight loss to help open up the airways and reduce apnea symptoms. Other ways of preventing the condition include changing your sleep position, avoiding tobacco products, and maintaining regular sleeping habits.
Frequently Asked Questions
You may need treatment for snoring if the condition is disrupting the sleep of your partner or other people who live with you. You definitely need treatment for sleep apnea if you or your partner notice some of the dangerous symptoms of this condition. Contact your Ketchum dentist immediately to discuss your options for managing or treating sleep apnea.
Your treatment will depend on the extent of your symptoms. In mild to moderate cases, conservative approaches such as an oral appliance. Patients with more severe symptoms may be given a pressurized airflow mask, or otherwise advised to undergo surgery to open up the airway.